Sunday, September 11, 2011

I've got interested in listening to CBC 1.

Today I have been listening to the radio almost all day. I always tune to the radio CBC 1 , which I heard is like BBC in Britain, NHK in Japan. By listening to the same broadcast station in the same way, I have found very interesting programs so far. It has a lot of interviews with writers of novels, books or leading persons in Canadian societies and outside world.
Especially it seems specially stressed the aboriginal people’s lives and immigrants’. Recently I download its special program from the website (podcast) and send them to the i-pod , and enjoy listening on the bus or in walking along the streets. I feel happy to realize I am gradually getting used to listening to their fast speaking. There are still lots of difficulties to understand clearly because I need to know the backgrounds of the stories.

Today it goes without saying it is featuring the 10th anniversary of September 11th. I sent an email to an ELI friend who is now in New York and to hear from her what is happening around her. I was just now impressed to know from the radio program that some representatives are reading the individual names of the victims aloud, but the readers are all from their families or related people. It is very significant for her to be there today. I visited the World  Trade Center summer in 1992.

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